Tuesday 1 June 2010

The Weekend

Had a quiet Bank Holiday weekend.  Enjoyed it though.  Saturday was spent trawling charity shops in Moseley, Kings Heath and Shirley.  Clare and I do this from time to time.  She looks for books and I go looking for CDs.  It was a successful trip with 9 CDs and 5 books between us.  We stopped at the French Cafe in Moseley. I don't know what it is called but it's a bigger version of the one up the road in Kings Heath, Maison Macy’s. The weather was grey and wet which is typical for a Bank Holiday Weekend.

We spent the evening watching Eurovision.  Belgium should have won hands down but Germany came out on top. The United Kingdom came last!  Why we never put forward and established artist is beyond me.  We have some of the greatest artists in the world and yet we insist on putting forward unknown rubbish.  Still, the public gets what the public wants.

Sunday brought blue skies and sunshine, so we went for a walk along the canal tow path. We saw a half submerged branch in the water and lined up along it were 9 ducklings with their mother.  All asleep with their heads tucked away.  I tried to take a picture but as is usually the case it didn't come out very well.  We walked for a couple of hours but headed back to watch the football.

England were playing in their last match prior to The World Cup.  Another unconvincing display against Japan. We won 2-1 but if we are to beat USA in our opening World Cup match we need to play much better than that!

We watched the football with friends who had invited us over for a BBQ.  After we'd eaten we went for a walk in a local park where we found an ancient oak tree that was quite unusual in as much as it stood in the centre of a ring of smaller oaks which has grown from it. The circle is a perfect ring and is quite rare. Apparently it is in danger of being built upon by a supermarket chain. It would be a great shame were that to happen.

Yesterday was a quiet day.  Watched the cricket and Terry Pratchett's Going Postal.  I enjoyed both.  Bangladesh put up a bit of a fight but England won by 8 wickets and had it all wrapped up by tea.  Going Postal was really good.  I've never read a Terry Pratchett book and probably never will but as a 2 part TV special I thought it was great.  Had it been a series I probably wouldn't have watched it all but over 2 nights it was perfect.  All in all a quiet, lazy but enjoyable few days.