Monday 7 June 2010


Yesterday, we were to have a picnic with friends but before we headed off to the proposed spot we stopped off at Akamba.  It's a garden centre that specialises in African plants.  It's actually much more than that.

As you walk around, through the palms, you come across little thatched platforms with tables and chairs.  Here, you can sit and have a bite to eat or a drink.  Dotted around is the odd bar.  They serve tea and coffee but also African beer.  I assume they stock local drinks as well but I opted for a Tusker.  A beer made in Kenya and named after the elephant that killed one of the brewery's founders.  It was very enjoyable. 

Whilst sitting, drinking my beer it started to rain quite heavily. There was something quite cosy about sitting in the hut amongst the trees whilst the rain came down. It showed no sign of stopping so once we had finished our drinks we headed off to have our picnic. 

Having driven around we came across a picnic area and sat in the car as the food was passed round.  An English picnic in all it's glory.

Not long after arriving home the sun came out. Oh well, still a good day.

If you want to know more about Akamba visit their website