Friday 4 June 2010

Morris: A Life With Bells On

A few years ago I seemed to be stalked by Morris Dancers.  Everywhere I went there they were.  A country pub - Morris Dancers.  A trip to the seaside - Morris Dancers. A day out in Oxford - Morris Dancers.  I'm sure that they were not the same ones but even so I became a little worried.

The day the smoking ban in England came into force I was at a country pub for lunch.  Having eaten, I needed a cigarette and so, for the first time headed outdoors.  Although it was the height of summer it was a cold and wet day.  I stood in the temporary shelter that had been provided and tried in vain to find a corner that would protect me from the pouring rain.  The wind was up and was driving the rain straight through.  As I stood there cursing the government for such a stupid idea, a couple of cars pulled up on to the car park and out sprang a group of Morris Dancers.  Despite the weather they proceeded to dance.  I stood and watched whilst I finished my cigarette. I then realised I was surrounded!  I couldn't get past them to get back to the pub.  As one dance ended the next would start.  I must have stood there for 15 minutes, getting cold and wet. I wandered why men would want to do this in their free time.  I did not understand. I still don't but have to say I have warmed to them.  Old traditions and dances kept alive, there's a lot to be said for that.

I mention this because the other day I finally got round to watching Morris: A Life With Bells On and have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it.  The film follows the fortunes of an avant garde Morris team in their struggle to evolve Morris Dancing.  It was written by Charles Thomas Oldham who also stars as the lead character Derecq Twist.  Directed by Lucy Ackhurst, the film looks great, has a great cast and is very funny. I won't spoil the plot in case you decide to watch it. A good, gentle  English comedy and one of the best films I've watched this year. Apparently it was well received by the Morris Dancing community.

The DVD is realeased sometime in July.