Wednesday 16 June 2010

Big Brother, Football and the Grand Union Canal

It's been quiet of late. As the weather was fairly nice, at the weekend we decided to walk the tow path again.  Each time we do, we go a little further. We made it to Knowle. Roughly 7 miles. No kingfishers this time but plenty of herons and some lovely scenery. 

If I'm not walking then I am watching the World Cup.  Slow starter this one.  There haven't been many stand out performances.           Germany's 4-0 win over Australia is the best result so far.  North Korea played well against Brazil, despite them losing 2-1, they can hold their heads up high.  The Dutch also look good but didn't really set the world on fire against Denmark.  I'm hoping that, after today, when everyone has at least one game under their belts, that things will kick into life.

Something else I have been watching is Big Brother.  This is something that, over the years, I have dipped in and out of.  In the ten years it has been going I have watched some series and some have past me by completely.  As this is the last one I thought I'd give it a go. It's been about a week now and it has been quite good so far. Already, the housemates seemed to have ganged up against one particular person (Sunshine) and, there are allegations of bullying! I haven't got a favourite yet but as there is another 3 months to go I'm sure someone will stand out eventually.