Monday 28 June 2010

That's That Then

I suppose I should get the football out the way first.  I really haven't got much to say. 

We were beaten by a better side.  Prior to the competition, the pundits were saying that this was the team with the best chance in years to win the World Cup.  I never agreed with that.  I thought we were a mediocre team at best. 

Yesterday, I watched England suffer their biggest defeat ever at a World Cup Finals, at the hands of Germany.  England were outclassed and the game finished 4-1.  Yes, Lampard had an obvious goal disallowed, as neither the ref or linesman saw it cross the line, but I doubt that would have made much of a difference to the over all result.  However, FIFA really do need to review their policy on goal line technology.  It is becoming ridiculous.

On the plus side, our cricketers put on another good performance to go 3-0 up in the ODI series against Australia.  Although, in the final few overs, they made hard work of it!  Bollinger bowled a great over.  Taking 2 England wickets and giving away no runs.  In the end it was left to Tim Bresnan to notch up the required 8 runs off the last 8 balls.  A tense but thoroughly enjoyable end.

The Big Brother eviction on Friday night saw Govan evicted.  He had 72% of the public vote. Very high.  He deserved to go as he didn't come across well, a bit of a stirrer by all accounts.

So with the TV stuff out the way, what else have I been up to?  Well, on Saturday I went to Birmingham Rep.  Not for a show but for a sale!  It is due a refurb and they were selling off costumes and props.  I came away empty handed but there were some fantastic things on offer!  There was quality furniture being sold for £5.  Clothes and costumes were selling for between 1 - 5 pounds. There were a lot of am dram people buying all sorts of weird and wonderful things.  It was like the most interesting jumble sale you have ever been to.  Have a rummage and who know what you will find!

After the sale we headed to Moseley where we bought fresh bread, cheese and olives and headed for Highbury Park.  We sat under a tree and ate our food. After, we wandered the park and found a beekeeper looking at her bees.  As we watched the secretary of Birmingham Bee Keepers Association came over for a chat.  A very nice fellow.  Did you know that there are up to 16 exams to be taken to become a qualified bee keeper?!

Having walked the park Clare went for a drink at Kitchen Garden Cafe while I nipped off to a friend's daughter's birthday party.  I met Clare at the Kitchen Garden a couple of hours later when, after a quick drink, headed home.

Yesterday, was a trip to Solihull Nature Reserve, just to get out for a few hours as the afternoon would be spent in front of the TV watching the football.  We walked for a couple of hours but ,as it was  the hottest day of the year so far, was shattered by the end. 

Finally, Glastonbury weekend has sort of passed me by.  I have recorded a lot of the coverage but haven't watched it yet. It was nice that they got good weather for their 40 year anniversary.

Here are Muse covering U2's Where The Streets Have No Name.  Complete with The Edge on guitar.