Thursday 9 December 2010

Up In The Air

Last night with the temperature climbing to a heady minus three Clare and I toyed with the idea of going for a meal but settled for a DVD and pizza instead.

The DVD we chose was Up In The Air. Directed by Jason Reitman (Juno) and starring George Clooney it is based on a novel by Walter Kirn and tells the story of Ryan Bingham, a corporate downsizing expert.

Ryan (Clooney) loves the life he leads, spending 290 odd days a year flying around the country "letting people go". Domesticity is not for him. His home is the airport, hotel rooms and the sky.  When a young undergraduate at the company  proposes that the work can be done via the internet and all staff are to be grounded to save money, his way of life is threatened.  Having voiced his objections Ryan is told to take the young woman with him on his travels to see how he works. 

I'm not sure what I thought of the film.  Some great dialogue and the isolation of Clooney's character put me in mind of Lost In Translation (although in the case it was self imposed).  The aerial shots and soundtrack are fantastic, and the film as a whole works but it left me feeling not much of anything. Why? I'm not sure. Pizza was nice though.