Thursday 23 December 2010

Anderson's Bar and Grill - St Paul's Square

It was Clare's company's Christmas night out last night.  Anderson's Bar and Grill in St Paul's Square was the venue and a good choice it was too.

The place itself is warm and inviting, located in an eighteenth century cellar, with a small  bar area where I had a couple of Gins and Tonic while we waited for our party to arrive.  It was quite busy with the remnants of an earlier office party, and quite loud, but the stragglers eventually filtered away.

A steak house is possibly not the best place for a vegetarian but there was enough on the menu to keep me happy and although I couldn't have my first choice of main course I was offered various alternatives.  I went for Butternut Squash Risotto. It was lovely but it was nothing compared to my starter! Baked goats cheese with soft basil tomatoes, balsamic syrup and fresh rocket pesto dressing was fantastic. 

Desert was a Creme Brulee.  Not my choice, it was ordered for me and I was told to down it in one. I tried, I failed. Thanks for that Mike!

I stuck to wine during the meal, going for the Hawkes Bay Pinot Noir, a New Zealand Red which was lovely.  Afterwards I had a couple of brandys to wash it all down.

I hadn't met all of the people around the table until last night but everyone was really friendly and I came away having had a really good night although I am suffering a bit this morning!