Friday 10 December 2010

Promises and Lies

So the Conservative / Lib Dem coalition government voted to raise tuition fees as expected and also to be expected was the reaction of the student protesters in Parliament Square. 

This was the fourth demonstration against the rise in tuition fees, all of which have resulted in some disorder. This is to be expected as the politicians sit in their ivory towers putting their careers and big business in front of their constituents.  The protesters have no voice and are frustrated.  Heavy handed police tactics just serve to inflame the situation.  Yesterday was a good example of this. Students were told to leave Parliament Square via a certain route. As they did so the police blocked their path. Obviously this heightened the students anger and as they tried to break through the mounted police charged into them. 

Don't get me wrong, I understand the police have a job to do but having done many demos over the years (and having spoken to a Met Officer at a party a couple of years back) I know they like nothing more than a good punch up themselves.

Yesterday's violence was not the worst I have seen but the fact they managed to attack Prince Charles and Camilla's car as they travelled to the Royal Variety Show has meant that the story has gone around the world. Not only is this embarrassing for the government but also for the police as well.

So as the coalition government trot out the same tierd rhetoric about the need for cuts and tough decisions the younger generation have been deprived of higher education.  Made all the worse by the Liberal Democrats who signed a pledge prior to the election saying they would oppose any rise in fees. Now they have had a whiff of power they have back tracked and 21 Liberal Democrats voted for the rise.  So much for principals and so much for election promises.  People have been disaffected with politics for some time, that is why they turned to the Lib Dems.  It turns out they are even bigger liars than the other two parties.

There are a couple of silver linings.  Firstly, it is good to see our students out on the streets protesting about something they believe in.  Apathy has reigned for too long.  Secondly, once this short coalition is over Nick Clegg's political career will be washed up and the Lib Dems a spent political force for at least a generation.

I bumped into a mate not long ago.  He was handing out leaflets against job cuts in the public sector. As we chatted I noticed he was wearing a badge that said "I Still Hate Thatcher".  People don't forget and although I would never compare Nick Clegg to her, so far he will be remembered for being a liar and for selling out the party and his voters for his 15 minutes of fame.

I haven't demonstrated for years but watching yesterday's TV coverage of the protest and watching the debate in parliament perhaps it's time I stood up to be counted once again.