Saturday 4 December 2010

Frankfurt Christmas Market, Birmingham

Birmingham today for the German market.  This year's market seems to have grown and apparently is the sixth biggest German Christmas Market in the world, bigger than Dresden, Nuremberg and Berlin!

We got there mid morning and it was already busy.  The temperature had climbed above freezing and instead of the cold it was the rain we had to contend with.  Having browsed half the stalls we decided to pop to The Edwardian Tea Rooms in Birmingham Museum to grab a coffee and wait for the rain to ease.

Having left the museum we headed back out into the rain and made our way to The Electric Cinema, who at 12pm were having a poster sale for charity. We queued for about half an hour before we could have a look at the posters.  I had one particular in mind (Skeletons) but when I had a look it didn't seem to be in the greatest of condition and so left empty handed.

From the cinema we went to The Green Room on Hurst Street for a drink and a bite to eat.

A bit of shopping afterwards before heading to my parents to see my brother who had come up from Cornwall for the weekend.

Birmingham was very busy and quite politically active. There was a demonstration outside BHS about it's tax avoidance and, close by, a student demo (signed their petition against tuition fees). 

If you agree with their cause and would like to show your support there is a demonstration in the Bull Ring on Wednesday 8th December at 2pm. I'm sure they would appreciate your support.