Tuesday 7 September 2010

Kath Bloom at The Kitchen Garden Cafe

I had a great time last night at the Kitchen Garden Cafe.  A couple of friends and myself popped along to see Kath Bloom. She is probably best known for the song Come Here which features in the 1995 film Before Sunrise. 

On a wet Monday night she, along with Brad and Jessica aka This Frontier Needs Heroes, performed to a group of about 11 people in the intimate surroundings of The Kitchen Garden Cafe. I was lucky to be a part of that group. 

Dressed in a red baggy cardigan and with her long grey hair and glasses she took the stage. It took her a couple of attempts to plug in her guitar. Her fragile appearance and meek demeanour made me wonder what sort of a night I was in for but as soon as she started to sing I knew I was witnessing something special. She has an amazing voice and as she sings you can see the years disappear. 

The evening started with This Frontier Needs Heroes aka Brad and Jessica. A brother and sister duo from New York. I have to admit to not knowing them prior to last night but they have some great songs and I will definitely be keeping an eye out for them in the future.  After a couple of songs Kath took the stage. She played a few songs before Brad and Jessica joined her on stage for a few more.  This is how the evening went. First Brad and Jessica and then Kath and then all three.

The end of the show came all too quickly and having bought CDs by both acts we hung about.  Kath came over and thanked us for coming and signed the CDs.  She asked if we knew of her prior to the gig and my friend mentioned Before Sunrise.  Kath said that if she had asked then she would have played Come Here.  My friend asked.  Despite the fact that the sound man had already started dismantling the equipment Kath took the stage and performed Come Here, dedicating it to my friend.  It was a great way to end a fantastic evening.

The Kitchen Garden is a great place for live music and over the last few years have had some great nights there and seen some great bands.  It's a shame that last night there was such a small turn out for such a big talent. Kath Bloom and This Frontier Needs Heroes will be playing at End Of The Road in Dorset this weekend.  If you are going, you should check them out.

Check out their Myspace pages here.

Kath Bloom

This Frontier Needs Heroes

The Kitchen Garden Cafe