Saturday 25 September 2010

Along the Toe Path

Despite it being late September the weather has meant that it still felt like summer, albeit summer in it's final days.  Today though had a definite autumnal feel.  Despite the blue skies and sunshine there was a chill in the air and was actually quite cold when the disappeared behind a cloud.

The original plan had been to walk from Knowle to Warwick but when push came to shove we made it to Hatton Locks and although I was still up for continuing the last 3.5 miles one of our friends decided they had walked far enough.

The day started with the usual Morrison's veggie breakfast before meeting friends at 10.00am.  We got onto the canal at Knowle and ambled along the tow path.  It was a lovely day and the canal was very busy. We fussed dogs and I got chatting to a narrow boat owner with two springer spaniels.

When we got to Shrewley my friend pointed out that the sign for the post office (attached to a bridge) had spelt tow path with an e (toe path).

We arrived at Hatton Locks four hours after we set off (well, I did say we ambled).  At the Lock's cafe we had a drink and I had a roast vegetable and blue cheese toasted sandwich. We sat outside in the sunshine.

We headed back to the train station and as we arrived the train was pulling in. We headed home.

It was nice to be out in the sunshine despite the chill in the air.  Although the leaves on the trees are still green they are now starting to turn. I'm not ready for winter and have to make the most of the sunshine before it disappears!