Saturday 26 March 2011

The Weekend (part 1)

I'm having a lazy Saturday morning.  I haven't done this for ages.  I've nowhere I have to be and nothing I need to do.  It's great!  I'm out this evening so I'm making the most of it.

The weekend had started well weather wise. Yesterday, a chilly morning gave way to a lovely Spring day.  Clear skies, sunshine and temperatures of 16C.  I  found myself in Solihull in the afternoon looking for a birthday present.  I gave up and headed for the pub (Metro Bar) and waited for Clare to arrive.  We had a drink before heading back out into the sunshine to tackle the present shopping.  

Two of my freinds had a birthday yesterday and to celebrate (with one of them, the other stayed at home to baby sit)  five of us headed for The Rainbow Cantonese Restaurant on Kings Heath High Street.  I'd not been there before and though it doesn't look much from the outside I thought the food was really good and the service excellent.  I'm not the biggest fan of Chinese food but would definitely eat there again. 

We left the restaurant at around 10.30 and we toyed with the idea of heading into Moseley for a drink but as the Hare and Hounds was just up the road we chose there instead. As usual it was quite busy in there.  The evening flew by, it seemed like one minute we were heading in and the next we were heading out again to get a taxi home. All in all a good night.

This followed on from Thursday evening where I met a couple of friends for a drink in The Coach House in Solihull.  Taking advantage of the pleasant evenings, Clare and I strolled into Solihull via the park, watching the rabbits coming out to graze.

 I went to meet friends and she headed for the library before joining up with us at the pub.

We spent a couple of hours there, sitting outside as the sunset faded and dusk set in. By the time we left it was dark.  Clare and I decided we stop off at the chip shop.  We walked back home eating chips on a chilly but very pleasant evening.