Sunday 27 March 2011

The Weekend (part 2)

I spent the day in front of the TV yesterday.  Watched a bit of the football, England beating Wales 2-0 in a World Cup Qualifier and watched the news coverage of the anti cuts demo in London (wishing I was there but to be honest it had passed me by).  I also watched the Boat Race (Oxford beating Cambridge emphatically).

After the race it was time to get ready for Clare's works night out. This was a follow on from the Christmas meal for those people that couldn't make it last time. 14 of us in total, with one or two new faces.  The meal was at Anderson's Bar & Grill in St Paul's Square.  I've already mentioned it on this blog but just to recap it specialises in steak but also has a veggie option.  Last night I opted for the whipped goats cheese with cracked black pepper, marinated beetroot and truffle honey dressing as my starter and  a lovely tart tatin for my main. Just like last time I missed out on a desert and cheese board. 

I like Anderson's and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening, not only was the food good but I met some really nice people as well.  All in all a really good night out.

Today started with breakfast and newspapers at the cafe in Sainsbury's before doing the shopping. Although I had a fair amount to drink last night I was tired more than anything else (losing an hour as the clocks went forward last night, BST begins!) and so have had quite a quiet day, catching up on the TV I missed over the last couple of nights (Friday Night Dinner, White Van Man).

Clare and I did pop out early this afternoon for a walk around the park. We took some bread to feed the ducks but they were not interested.  With the daffodils in full bloom and the trees in bud the park, well bits of it, looked lovely in the Spring sunshine.

A good weekend despite England's cricketers losing to Sri Lanka in the quarter finals of the Cricket World Cup!