Tuesday 15 March 2011

Cherry Ghost @ The Glee Club Birmingham

I last saw Cherry Ghost about 6 months ago and thought they were fantastic and so last night I went to see them again. Although they are still touring the same album, Beneath The Burning Shoreline, they had a new set. Obviously it was predominantly songs from their current release but 4am, People Help The People and Thirst For Romance, all from their first sat nicely alongside the newer songs.

The crowd was slightly bigger than last time but still wasn't a sell out unlike their gigs in London and Manchester.

Support came from Drive Fast Driver who were OK.  They have some good ideas but I was left with a feeling that they're not quite there yet. One for the future maybe?

Cherry Ghost, however, were fantastic.  There is an ease about them onstage and their music has a lush quality.  I'm trying to remember the complete set list and if I can cobble one together will post it here later.  All in all a great night.

I also managed to get my hands on Companion, a CD containing alternative versions of some of the songs on Beneath The Burning Shoreline.  Limited to 200 and, as far as I know, only being sold at gigs.