Tuesday 22 March 2011

Japan Relief Download

The news over the last couple of weeks has been dominated by two stories.  The uprising in Libya and the subsequent descent towards civil war.  The genocide that followed and now the introduction, by the UN, of a no fly zone. Britain, France and America have taken the lead and have targeted some of Colonel Gaddafi's military infrastructure.  There has been divided opinion on whether or not the west should intervene. This is due in no small part to what happened in Iraq when there was no clear strategy.  At the moment there are no plans to send in ground troops but I can see that changing in the coming months.

The second news story has been the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan.  The footage of the earthquake and tsunami has been staggering and the scale of the devastation is unbelievable.

The details about the nuclear plant at Fukushima seem to change from one day to the next with 4 out of 6 of the reactors in various states of meltdown.  The small team of workers still there are constantly being withdrawn as there seems to have been some radiation that has escaped.

Due to the nuclear problem there seems to be less aid agencies on the ground and Japan now needs all the help it can get.  This is why Audio Antihero have put together an album that can be downloaded for £3.99.  The proceeds of which go to a number of charities including Red Cross, Save The Children and The Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund.

Details can be found here.