Tuesday 1 February 2011

Shopping and Green Spaces

Clare and I popped into Birmingham for a bit of shopping on Saturday, with lunch at The Green Room.  Clare was disappointed that they had changed the menu but the food was still good.  According to the waiter it is about to undergo some changes and will be expanding in the not too distant future.

Sunday was a lazy day.  A relaxing morning was followed by coffee and sandwiches (with my parents) at the cafe in Brueton Park.  Afterwards we went for a short walk before heading home.  Prior to heading out, there had been an influx of birds into the garden.  I counted 5 x Redwing, 2 x Song Thrush, 3 x Greenfinch, a pair of Blackbirds, Blue Tits, Great Tits, a Robin, a Long Tailed Tit, a Chaffinch and a Jay.  They seemed to all arrive at once and left just as quickly. 

The weekend was cold and although there is still someway to go Clare saw the first signs of spring, snowdrops and daffodils.

Whilst on the subject of nature, I'm sure most people are aware of the government's plan to sell of the nation's woodland. The Woodland Trust is also worried that a lot of our ancient forest will be sold and conservation work will grind to a halt.  If you believe that the government should be preserving our forests then you can help by signing the petition below.
