Monday 21 February 2011


I went to see Simon Pegg and Nick Frost's new film Paul yesterday.  It's pretty much what you'd expect from these two.

The story is about two comic book enthusiasts (Pegg & Frost obviously) who are on a journey of a lifetime in the USA.  Having been to a comic book convention they hit the road to visit all the sites of major extra terrestrial importance (Area 51 etc.).  Not long into the journey they meet Paul.  Paul is an alien who has escaped from the government and needs their help to get home.  Pursued by inept government officials they head north to the alien rendezvous point.

As with all their films it is filled with in-jokes and little nods to the genre they are sending up. I probably missed a lot of them but still enjoyed it. 

The cinema was quite full, I hadn't seen it that busy for some time, and the film seemed to be well received.  I don't think it will make any Top Ten lists or win any awards but it's not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon.