Thursday 24 February 2011


Having cooked a meal for Clare we settled down to watch Mr Nice starring Rhys Ifans. It tells the story of Howard Marks who was, for those who don't know, an infamous Welsh drug smuggler.

The film was OK.  Not much to write home about.  I liked the way it was filmed but think I prefer the book.

Anyway, about halfway through we heard an owl.   It seemed quite close so we turned off the lights and looked out the window.  We saw it sitting in the tree outside.  Not long after we spotted it it flew to another tree on the other side of the garden.  It was calling to a female who we could hear replying from somewhere close by.  There was also a second male calling and as the one we were watching flew off the second flew in and  landed where the other one had just departed from. 

After a good few minutes the second owl flew off and we returned to the film.  It was brilliant to see and as I'm writing this I have one ear on the garden just in case they come back.

Below is a quick clip of what the male hoot and the female reply sounded like last night.