Saturday 5 February 2011

The Kenilworth Greenway

I went walking with friends earlier.  The Kenilworth Greenway is a disused railway line that runs between Berkswell and Kenilworth.  It is also part of the proposed route for the HS2 High Speed Rail Link.

We met at a friend's house in Balsall Common and headed over a couple of fields before joining the Greenway.  The walk itself is straight and flat, flanked on either side by trees.  The weather was blustery but mild and the trees provided some cover from the wind.  There were plenty of birds flitting amongst the trees and a Green Woodpecker flew in front of our path. 

I'm not sure how long the path is (between 4.5 and 6 miles depending on which website you use) but it took us a couple of hours to reach Kenilworth. 

Once we reached the end we made the short walk to Kenilworth Common and found a fallen branch to sit on while we ate lunch.  Whilst the others finished their food I wandered around and came across a Treecreeper. 

Another couple of hours to walk back, arriving home in time to watch the second half football scores roll in.  A record breaking day in the Premiership, 38 goals from 7 matches with Wolves v Man Utd yet to kick off!

Back to The Kenilworth Greenway.  I never knew the place existed until today but it seemed very popular with walkers, cyclists and others just out walking the dog. There were people of all ages, from families with young kids to elderly people.  I know that it's original purpose was that of a railway line but I feel it would be great loss if the government drive a high speed rail link through it.  This is place to get away from the real world, a place where kids can learn about nature, a place where you can ride your bike without fear of traffic. It's a place where dog walkers stop for a chat and where wildlife thrives (Purple Hairstreak butterflies can be found close by in Crackley Wood).  I have been opposed to the HS2 since it's announcement and having walked a stretch of the route today I am certain that I made the right decision. 

Below is a link to the HS2 website and also a link to the Stop HS2 petition.