Friday 21 January 2011

The Week So Far

It's been a quiet week with not much to report.  As the temperature outside drops my motivation to get out and about falls with it and so it has been a succession of cosy nights in in front of the TV.

Last night saw the launch of 10 O Clock live,  Channel 4's new topical satire programme.  Scheduled to go up against Question Time and Newsnight the show is a satirical look at the week's news. 

Jimmy Carr, David Mitchell and Charlie Brooker provide the comedy aspect and Lauren Laverne adds the glamour. 

After Lauren Laverne opened the show Jimmy Carr delivered a monologue about Alan Johnson who had resigned from the Shadow Cabinet earlier in the day. So far so good.

As the show progressed it seemed that a lot of the material could have been written weeks in advance and although the topics are still relevant (Banker's bonuses, Sarah Palin and so on) it sort of lost the cutting edge feel.

The highlight for me was most definitely David Mitchell's interview with David Willetts (Higher Education Minister) on the subject of tuition fees.  He was spot on in his questioning and it made you wonder how lesser MPs will fair against him.

The hour passed quickly and although the show wasn't perfect it was a good first effort.