Saturday 15 January 2011

Street Art - Herbert Art Gallery, Coventry

Popped along to the Street Art exhibition at Coventry's Herbert Gallery today.  They have some really good exhibitions and this was no exception. The exhibition features prints by Banksy, Jamie Hewlett, Pure Evil and Shepard Fairey amongst others.

Highlights for me included SPQR's Super Soft, Nemo by Graeme Nimmo, Nous Somme Tous En Situation Irreguliere by Miss Tic and Banksy's Americans Working Overhead Sticker.

Another highlight was Pahni's Nowhere Near Here, a stop motion animation (set to Royksopp's What Else Is There?) that uses a combination of light with stencils and long exposure photography to tell the story of a dog running around the city at night, doing whatever a dog does. Filmed in Bristol it took over 300 hours to make.

Nowhere Near Here from Pahnl on Vimeo.

Next up was Mohammed Ali, a local graffiti artist who uses arabic script in his work. His art seems quite political but among the pieces highlighting the problems in Palestine were a couple that focused on the Blitz.  I took a photo on my phone and the spotlight was perfectly positioned to make it look like light coming through the window.  I was quite taken with it.

The exhibition ends tomorrow. If you're free you really should make the effort!