Sunday 23 January 2011


Clare, myself and a couple of friends headed for Hereford yesterday just to have a look around and do a bit of shopping.  It was quite a grey day and felt quite cold.  It tried to brighten up as the day went on but I couldn't get warm.

Having got our bearings (and spending a fair amount of money in a lovely little kitchen shop) we decided to get something to eat.  We ended up on Church Street at a place called Bean There.  Housed in what was once the Lord Mayor's House circa 1625 it is now part cafe part map seller (hence the name). They offer a decent selection of tea and coffee.  The food is a little on the basic side (paninis, toasted sandwiches etc) and although the original beams are still visible the decor is a little on the bland side.

Having eaten we walked the couple of hundred yards to the cathedral.  It's undergoing restoration work at the moment but is still an impressive site despite the scaffolding. Built in the 12th century, it is the home of the Mappa Mundi (a 13th century map of the world). Unfortunately it wasn't on display.  The cathedral itself is huge and we wandered around for some time.

Afterwards we headed back to Church Street.  It's not a big place but has some great shops along it, my favourite being The Mousetrap, a lovely little cheese shop.  Time ran away with us and after a quick coffee and a look around some of the other shops it was time to head back.