Monday 24 January 2011

The Walkmen @ The Glee Club

I'm still fighting my hibernation instinct and so last night I could have quite happily stayed at home. Instead I headed into Birmingham to go and see The Walkmen and am I glad I did!

I met a couple of friends at The Green Room for a quick drink and we headed round to The Glee Club.  We hadn't been there long when the support band took the stage.

The Head and The Heart hail from Seattle and are signed to the Sub Pop label.  They offer up a slice of Americana that sounds fresh and exciting.  Harmonies, piano and strings add great depth to songs that you can't help but tap/bob/dance along with.   I don't know much about them but I believe they have a record out over here in April.  I look forward to it.  In the meantime you can check out their Myspace page below.

Next up were The Walkmen.  I fist saw them about 10 years ago supporting Idlewild and if I'm honest they didn't really make an impact.  Since then I have let them pass me by.  However, on last night's performance I think it is time I got to know their back catalogue.

As soon as they opened with Everyone Who Pretended To Like Me Is Gone I knew I was in for a good night!  Unlike the bloke next to me, who after the first song, was made to leave by his girlfriend! I don't know what she was expecting! 

On stage the band put in a great performance, tight but not polished, moving one person in the audience to shout "The drummer is amazing".

Like I said, I'm not over familiar with all their songs so I can't tell you the set list. I do know the time passed quickly and it wasn't long before they announced there was only one more to play, Juveniles.

A short break and they were back for 3 more songs. New Country, The Rat (which got the biggest reception of the night) and We've Been Had. 

This was my first gig of 2011 and it was a fantastic way to start the new year!  Although it wasn't a sell out, the decent sized crowd left knowing they had seen a great band.