Sunday 12 June 2011


Today, as forecast, it has been raining.  It started early this morning and hasn't stopped since.  This has meant an afternoon of listening to music which I've thoroughly enjoyed. 

Despite the rain I've still got out into the countryside side today albeit just on the edge of the city.  Originally we were off to Worcester but the friends we were going with decided it would be better to stay local and so we found a four mile walk close to Kings Norton.

Bizarrely enough the last time we were over that way was on the 7th June last year and the weather was exactly the same. Then, we sat in the car and had a picnic.  This time, with different friends, we did exactly the same but eventually decided we should get out of the car.

Walking the lanes rather than the footpath we did a circle and an hour after we set out we were back at the car. Soaking wet and quite chilly we finished the picnic and headed home to get warm and cosy.