Saturday 25 June 2011

John Grant at Leamington Assembly

John Grant used to be in a band The Czars.  I used to like them and so when a mate asked if I fancied popping over to Leamington on Thursday to see him I said yes. I'm glad I did too.

I'm not familiar with his solo work but on the strength of this gig his new album would be worth shelling out for.  His songs seem to be autobiographical and talk about love, loss and a childhood, growing up in small town America.

It's the first time I'd been to a seated gig at Leamington Assembly but thought it worked really well. 

John took the stage along with his sidekick ( a local lad from Coventry apparently) and they worked their way through a great set which included songs from his time with The Czars as well as his new stuff. 

Support came from Daughter.  A female solo artist whose voice and one song I'm sure I recognised.  We arrived halfway through her set but the bit we caught was fantastic. 

All in all a good night.  Set highlights were Marz, Chicken Bones, Vietnam and Little Pink House.

Daughter's website

Bella Union John Grant Page