Monday 27 June 2011

The Last Few Days

It's pretty humid at the moment and the grey skies seem to suggest a storm might be on the way.  Yesterday however the skies were blue and we had the first good day, weather wise, for some time. It seems that this summer is going to be like the last few, a bit of a wash out.

We did manage to get out into the sunshine yesterday, taking my parents to Earlswood.  We've spent a lot of time there in the last couple of months!  We wandered around the lake, stopped off at the Manor House Tea Rooms and strolled through the woods.  My parents hadn't been there for years and seemed to enjoy it. 

Saturday despite being warm was quite a dull day.  We never ventured far.  Did a bit of shopping and in the evening we watched Burke and Hare.  A typical Simon Pegg film, filled full of familiar faces. An easy enough film to watch and perfect for a quite night in.

Friday we had people over for a "Race Night".  You have fake money and watch a DVD of a real horse race. The commentary has been changed and all the races have a theme.  Clare had bought prizes along the same theme for the winner. For example whoever won the fruit themed race got a pineapple!  Despite it being a bit of fun it was surprising how people got into it.  Shouting for their horse and so on.  I bet the neighbours loved us! 

All in all a quiet(ish) weekend.