Monday 6 June 2011

I Don't Like Mondays

The start of the working week comes around all too quickly.  I find Monday mornings particularly hard after a weekend spent in green surroundings.  Having spent Saturday at Sandwell we headed to Solihull Nature Reserve yesterday.  We headed over quite early (got there at just gone 7am) and had seen over twenty different species of bird within the first hour.  It was grey and chilly and so we went back into Solihull to get a coffee and warm up before heading back to the Reserve. 

The sun eventually came out and we spent ages sitting on an old tree trunk watching Whitethroats flit amongst the undergrowth. It was great to watch them rising from the ground, hover and then dive bomb back into the long grass.  We also saw a Lesser Whitethroat. 

We headed home about lunchtime having seen over 35 species. Highlights for me included the Buzzard being harassed by 7 crows (they only left it alone when they went after a Kestrel instead), 3 Goldcrest flitting around a tree and the Lesser Whitethroat.