Sunday 3 April 2011

Hedgehogs and Warwick

Mother's Day and Clare and I have just got back from my parents.

It's been a quiet weekend, especially after last week, but it's been nice.  Yesterday we popped over to Warwick.  We browsed the shops and, after a bite to eat a cafe by St Mary's Tower  (De Ja Vue), bought a couple of things for Mother's Day.  Clare managed to pick up a nice dress and I found a book. 

As I said, a quiet weekend although I did have a nice surprise yesterday.  The postman arrived and, along with the junk mail, he brought my British Hedgehog Preservation Society Membership Certificate, Newsletter and Hogalogue!  Clare had signed me up without my knowing.  It was a lovely surprise!!  I was a member many years ago but my subscription lapsed.  I'd always meant to join again but never did.  I am now a fully paid up member thanks to Clare.

If you like hedgehogs or know someone who does you should join.  The website is below.