Monday 18 April 2011

How Time Flies!

Blimey, over a week since my last post!  I'd like to say I've been really busy but the truth is I just haven't got around to posting anything.

After a relatively quiet week the weekend was upon me once more and Friday afternoon I headed over to Kings Heath to celebrate a friend's daughter's first birthday. 

Rather than a traditional party she had decided to have it at All Fired Arts in Kings Heath. This is a fantastic place!  The idea is that you can go and design your own ceramics.  You buy the pottery and paint the design. When you are happy with it the shop will keep hold of it and fire it for you.  You then go back and collect the finished project about a week later.  Parties are catered for and while some people create at the front of the shop the rest can sit around in the back room.  You can take your own food and from what I can gather music is provided courtesy of Spotify.  The staff are  friendly and really good with the babies that were having their hand and footprints plastered over the ceramics.  It's a great place and if you feel the creative urge coming on you should head on down.

Afterwards we headed to the park so the kids could play on the swings.  All in all it was a lovely afternoon.

Record Store Day.  Saturday saw an early start as we caught the 8.05 train from Solihull to Leamington.  Clare had shopping to do and was then heading back to Birmingham to go to the theatre. My plan was to buy records as part of Record Store Day and head home to listen to them whilst I had the house to myself.  Head Records was my shop of choice.

With over a hundred titles to choose from, many of them limited to small quantities, I decided not to have anything in particular in mind, although I quite fancied the Tallulah Gosh 7".  Unfortunately they didn't stock it but I still came away with a few good records including stuff by Deerhoof / Xiu Xiu, Toots & The Maytals, KORT, Clinic and Edwyn Collins & The Drums amongst others.  The record shop also threw in a couple of CD samplers as well including Terminal Sales Volume 4 (a Sub Pop compilation).

After breakfast we did a bit of shopping (where I picked up a Gorky's Zygotic Mynci single and a Tapes n Tapes album from a charity shop).

I left Clare on the train to go to the theatre whilst I headed home to spend an afternoon with my vinyl, cds and mp3s.

Speaking of mp3s, over at North Country Bhoy blogspot you can download Toots & The Maytals Live At Jamaica World Music Festival circa. 1982. Get it here.