Sunday 10 April 2011

Sunny Days

Another great day weather wise and so, after breakfast (and a bit of a food shop) at Sainsbury's, Clare and I headed for Solihull Nature Reserve.

There were plenty of dogs (and their owners) over the Reserve.  We fought a losing battle with a Labrador who wanted the left overs from our picnic. A bit further on another Labrador, Chandler, bounded over and dropped his ball at my feet. We spent the next fifteen minutes throwing the ball and chatting to his owner.

We didn't see many birds today. Heron, Robin, Buzzard, Wren, a couple of Long Tailed Tits, Blue Tits and Great Tits. Butterflies were better with plenty of Orange Tip, Peacocks, Comma, a couple of Whites and Brimstone.