Monday 25 April 2011

Bank Holiday

My long weekend is coming to an end, it's been fantastic, and as I write I can feel  the Sunday blues creeping up on me (albeit on a Monday).

The weather has been glorious and on Friday Clare and I decided to take our first walk along the canal this year. Starting in Knowle we headed to Hatton Craft Centre.  Although the canal was quite busy with boats, walkers and cyclists, a lot of them could barely manage an hello. 

As we walked our route took us past The Black Boy and so we left the tow path and had a quick drink before carrying on our way.  We seemed to be slower than last year (out of practice) but strolling along in the sunshine was a great way to start the weekend.

Nature wise we had a great day.  We had a Grey Wagtail and a Swallow. We also heard a cuckoo. At one point I heard a rustle in the bushes and upon closer inspection found a grass snake.  More rustling in undergrowth further down the path and a shrew appeared  for a split second before scampering back the way it came. Young rabbits, Pheasant, Speckled Wood & Orange Tip butterflies as well as all sorts of birds made for a lovely walk.

Eventually we came to Hatton and left the canal and headed to the craft centre.  There have been a few changes since last year.  Having paid the best part of a fiver for a baguette and a sit down we had a wander around.  It seems that some of the small shops have gone but the kids area, cafe and garden centre have expanded.  We left feeling a little underwhelmed.  We walked the short walk back along the towpath to the station and caught the train home.

Saturday was a complete contrast to the peace and tranquility of the day before.  Having started the day with a breakfast at Morrison's we went to see my young nephews who were in Birmingham for a few days.

Afterwards I headed off to the Stirrup Cup in Sheldon for the annual St George's Day Parade.  This was it's fourth year and has been growing steadily ever since.  Numbers were slightly down this year but there was still a decent turn out. After a drink in the sunshine it was time to take to the streets along with the marching band.  The parade itself lasts about half an hour and the amount of people in cars and houses who come out to applaud is brilliant.  This year money was collected for Help For Heroes and although we are still awaiting the final figure I reckon it will be around the £400 pound mark. 

After the march we stayed at the pub to watch the football but the less said about that the better (Blues lost 5-0 up at Liverpool).

Having said I would be home no later than 7pm I finally stumbled in over 3 hours late.

Sunday. After a sound sleep it was an early start. Clare and I were heading for Wolverhampton to see Beady Eye but before that I had to see my nephews as I'd promised them a water fight! 

Having spent the morning chasing and being chased around the garden (I managed to stay pretty dry) we headed home packed our bag and set off for Wolverhampton.