Tuesday 1 November 2011

One Man, Two Guvners @ The New Alexandra

No posts for over 2 weeks! This is down to a busy run about a fortnight ago and a lazy streak in recent days.

To bring you up to speed I’d like to go back to Thursday 20th September.

We arrived in Birmingham and, having had something to eat at Pizza Express in the Bullring, made our way to The New Alexandra Theatre to see One Man Two Guvnors starring James Corden.

I was not aware of the story prior to arriving but apparently it is based on an Goldini’s The Servant Of Two Masters. Richard Bean’s version is set in 60's Brighton and tells the story Francis Henshall (James Cordon) who inadvertently ends up working for Rachel Crabbe (disguised as her dead brother) and Stanley Stubbers (lover of Rachel and guilty of the murder of her brother).

I am not really one for farces and there were parts that I thought were predictable (you could see the punchlines coming a mile off) but there was enough here to make me laugh and keep me entertained. James Cordon suited the role and played it very well as did the majority of the supporting cast.

Not the greatest trip to the theatre but not a bad night. I’m not sure it is as good as the reviews make out but, judging by the audience reaction, I might be in the minority when I say that.