Monday 14 November 2011

A Busy Few Days

It’s been a busy few days, starting on Thursday evening in the Coach House for a drink with friends. It was a good night but I was surprised at how quiet it was in the pub. Usually Thursday nights are quite busy but even the town centre seemed quieter than usual.

On Friday Clare and I went to The Royal Spa Centre in Leamington to see The Holly & The Ivy written by Wynyard Browne and starring Stuart McGugan and Corrine Wicks.

Set in a Norfolk vicarage on Christmas Eve 1947, the vicar's family gather for the festive season. Peace and goodwill radiates from the warm-hearted elderly vicar, cared for by his young daughter. But with the arrival of two irritable aunts and an errant daughter the emotional veneer is skilfully peeled away. As skeletons tumble from closets and stones are turned over, family members are forced to confront their regrets and secret anxieties. Even the lovable vicar is not immune to the stresses and strains of a normal family life.

The play is split into 3 parts and after a slow start I found myself being drawn further and further in. The cast were superb (with the exception of one aunt’s dodgy Irish accent, which could be forgiven) and although the whole play took place in the one room the set looked fantastic!

It’s a shame that it wasn’t a full house. It deserves to be sold out each night. However, the fact that it wasn’t worked well for me as it enabled me to move seats during the first interval. Having been hemmed in for the first part we asked if we were able to move during the break and we ended up with nearly an entire row to ourselves!

One last thing, the staff, at the centre, are great, friendly, polite and willing to help. It is how a theatre should be run!


An early start. The 8.05 to London was quite busy but I’m glad we went at the time we did as England were playing Spain at Wembley later in the day so if it was busy when we went it would have been horrendous as the day went on!

Arriving in London we headed straight for the National History Museum (having stopped on Baker Street for a sandwich and cup of coffee).

We arrived and made our way to the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2011 exhibition. There were some fantastic photos. Favourites included Moonlight Over Aloba by Marsel Van Oosten, Polar Power by Joe Bunni, The Assassin by Steve Mills, The Coming by Sven Zacek, False Killers Disguised Dolphin by Clark Miller, Sinuousness by Macro Columbo and Trust by Klaus Echle. There were also one or two that seemed either a little clichéd or, in at least a couple of cases, it seemed to me not worthy of entry but then again what do I know!!

Having spent the best part of 2 hours in there we decided we would save the rest of the museum for another visit and headed off to Tate Modern. I was amazed at the queue to get in!!! If you are going to go then get there early!

With parts of the tube closed for Engineering Work we headed to Embankment and walked along the river towards the Tate. With the mild weather it was lovely and we browsed the books of at The South Bank Market before continuing our stroll.

We arrived and immediately headed for The Turbine Hall to see the installation by Tacita Dean. Having first viewed it from the Level 1 we headed downstairs and whilst most people kept a respectable distance Clare and I went in for a closer look. I’m not sure what I made of it to be honest. I was impressed by it’s size but can’t say it spoke to me.

Upstairs we happened to stumble on A Living Man Declared Dead And Other Chapters  I - XVIII by Taryn Simon.

This was a great exhibition, photographs of families from around the world depicting bloodlines. In some cases, blank spaces were generations have been lost, refused to participate or were banned from participating on religious grounds etc.

Not only was it interesting but also very moving. A Brazilian family torn apart be a long running feud, a Bosnian family who lost many of their men folk during the massacre at Srebrenica and children from an Ukrainian orphanage are just some of the subjects.

We left Tate Modern and headed across the bridge towards St Paul’s and the tube station. Passing the Anti-Capitalist occupation at the steps of the cathedral. We also saw a few of the floats that were used in the Lord Mayor’s Parade which had also taken place that day and had been rerouted because of the demo.

Tate Britain houses a work by Constable that both Clare and I wanted to see. It is a picture of the deer park at Malvern Hall or as we know it now, Solihull Nature Reserve. We headed over to Pimlico and to Tate Britain. We wandered the galleries dismissing most of the other works and eventually found the Constable collection but unfortunately the canvas did not seem to be on display. A quick look at Henry Wallis’ The Death of Chatterton (a larger version than the one in Birmingham) and then we were off again. Walking back along the river, up through Westminster, along The Strand and then to Convent Garden and Piccadilly Circus before finding some place to eat.

Afterwards we walked up to Leicester Square and then jumped on the tube back to Marylebone but not before Clare had got herself an ice cream!

We hung around the Departures board, waiting for a platform number to show next to our train and hurried through the turnstiles when the number 2 appeared, in an effort to get a decent seat.

It was a lovely day out and having spent the best part of 12 hours traipsing around London it wasn’t long after arriving home that I headed to bed!!


The Rum Diary, written by Hunter S Thompson, is a fictional account of his time working for the San Juan Star. Johnny Depp has now made it into a film.

Although I could have done with something a little more quick paced on a grey Sunday afternoon it wasn’t too long before I settled into the film. It is slick, stylish and looks great. You really do get a sense of the humidity, the hot sticky nights and the rum soaked haze in which the lead characters see it.

A great story (although not much actually happens), superbly acted and beautifully filmed. Not for everyone I should imagine but I really enjoyed it.