Monday 19 September 2011


I watched a couple of films over the weekend and have to say neither were up to much.

Having spent Friday night out having a meal and Saturday over in Stafford I opted for a quiet night in on Saturday night and watched Killing Bono.

Directed by Nick Hamm and starring Ben Barnes and Robert Sheehan, this comedy, is about two brothers who form a band to rival that of their school mates.  Their mates' band, however, turns out to be U2 and while they struggle for pop stardom U2 go on to become global stars.

I have to say it probably wasn't one of my better to choices to watch and although there wasn't anything wrong with it it just didn't keep me entertained.  It's saving grace was Karl the landlord played by Pete Postlethwaite. 

Yesterday, Clare and I went to the cinema to see 30 Minutes or Less. Jessie Eisenberg plays Nick, a pizza delivery boy who has a bomb strapped to him in order to force him to rob a bank, which he does with his friend Chet (Aziz Ansari).

I saw the trailer last week when we went to see The Inbetweeners and I thought it looked quite funny.  Although I did have a nagging fear that the trailer might have contained all the best bits.  It turns out that my fears were right.  The film didn't live up to my expectations and actually fell quite flat.  It seemed a little short on laughs and towards the end I couldn't have cared if Nick had been blown up or not! 

If you are to take anything from this post then it should be this.  Don't let me pick the film if you want to watch a decent comedy!