Tuesday 20 September 2011

Dry The River @ The Hare & Hounds

Having missed their set at End Of The Road (managing to hear some of it from our tent), Dry The River played the Hare and Hounds last night and Clare and I went down to see them.

I didn’t know much about Dry The River prior to last night but Clare assured me I’d like them. She was right! Taking to the stage at around 10pm they played for about an hour, great tunes and fantastic harmonies. I don’t know their material and it seems that they are yet to put an album out but I will definitely be buying when it is released! Last night I came away with the 7” single of No Rest which was the only record on offer.

Although not full there was a decent size crowd who really enjoyed it and although they might not have sold many records yet, they haven’t done badly in the T-shirt market!

Having had a look around the internet I have managed to track down a few more of their songs and these, in my humble opinion, are definitely ones to watch. If you get the chance go to go and see them you should! Highlight of the evening was a song they performed in two halves. They started without the aid of microphones and instruments (other than a guitar) before launching into the song proper. It sounded fantastic and for a couple of minutes the room fell silent.

Support came from Tropicaux and Worship. Goodnight Lenin’s DJs kept the music going between the bands playing an eclectic mix of music. I remember hearing Bruce Springsteen, Belle and Sebastian, The Cure, The Destroyers and The Walkmen amongst others.

I wasn’t too impressed with Tropicaux. Stop/start jerky pop. I’ve heard too many bands like it in recent years and to be honest, have heard it performed better.

Worship were better. Electronic beats with guitars and a decent vocalist. I quite enjoyed their set although it was patchy in places. A few fantastic tunes and a few that sort of meandered along and seemed to go nowhere. The crowd seemed to enjoy them and I think Worship will go on from strength to strength. At least I hope they will.

All in all a good night and well worth making the effort for.


