Sunday 22 August 2010

Walking in the Rain

The weather hasn't been the best of late. The hot and sunny days of May and June have been replaced by the cloudy and sometimes very wet days of July and August.  The long hot nights are now cool and I am aware of it becoming darker earlier.  Summer is starting to come to an end and so it is time to make the most of it.

With that in mind, it was time to walk the canal again.  Knowle to Hatton.  The forecast was for showers in the morning and brightening up later.  The reality was showers that got heavier as the day went on. The canal was a lot quieter than usual, not just people but wildlife as well.  It took just over 3 hours from start to finish (including stopping under a bridge whilst quite a heavy shower passed over).

My parents, who had driven out, met us at Hatton Locks cafe and whilst we dried out (we got caught in a heavy shower during the last quarter of a mile) they tucked into a full English breakfast before heading home.

Despite the showers it was actually a really nice day out.