Thursday 1 July 2010

Half Year Report

So as July arrives and June is confined to history it's time to look back on the first 6 months of 2010.

The weather over the last couple of months has been lovely and so I have spent a lot of time outdoors. Some things I've already written about, but prior to starting the blog I've had some lovely days out with Clare. We have been to Warwick quite a bit and on one occasion did the Castle. Thoroughly enjoyed it too, despite my fear of heights on the ramparts. We have also been to Dudley Zoo and Castle. I'd not been there since I was a child and again had a great day out. A day out at Whixall Moses with friends, wandering the streets of Cheltenham, or just spending time in the park or on the canal tow path. I've enjoyed it all

A day at Packwood House which was spoilt by over zealous staff who seemed to think we could not be trusted to be left alone in a room.  Despite paying to get in and then being the only ones on the guided tour, and obviously showing an interest, they seemed to think we had bad intentions.  It's a shame as the house and gardens are lovely but I was made to feel as if I shouldn't be there.

Outings to Warwick consisted of going to the market, stocking up on food (bread, cheese, fruit etc.) and then eating it by the river.  On one occasion we went with friends and, following the food, we hired a rowing boat which I nearly capsized.  My oar missed a stroke and I fell off my seat. This started the boat rocking and at one point the side of the boat was actually level with the water.  After we had spent time on the river we climbed St Mary's Tower. The highest building in Warwick. This was against the Church Warden's advice as one of our friends was 9 months pregnant at the time. 

A trip to the NEC for an antiques fayre.  Luckily somebody gave us free tickets as would have been extremely upset if we had paid the 12 pound admission price.  The flyer said something for everyone. What it should have said was something for everyone with over 500 pounds to spend!  Despite my lack of wealth I did quite enjoy it.

A disappointing day at Birmingham Mac's opening weekend. Lot's of people milling about but ultimately not much to do. The building itself is OK but I was a bit underwhelmed. For 15 million pounds I'd hoped for something more. Oh, there was an exhibition about defining Birmingham but it seemed to do nothing more than reinforce stereotypes or include phrases and sayings from the Black Country.  I couldn't be bothered to find out who the artist was because whoever it was couldn't be bothered to find out about Birmingham.

Exhibition wise, I enjoyed Ron Terada's Who I think I Am but that was mainly down to the vinyl album that was given away. With tracks by Jens Lekman, Beirut, Magnetic Fields, The Walkmen and Vampire Weekend to name a few he couldn't go wrong. Brigit Riley's Flashback was also good. Susan Collis' Since I Fell For You didn't really work for me although I liked the idea. Coventry Open and West Midlands Open Exhibitions had some really good stuff. Had some of the pieces been within my price range I would have definitely come away with something.

Another really good exhibition was Tom Murray's The Beatles A Mad Day Out, comprising of 23 unseen photographs of the band. There were limited edition prints for sale and at around £400 were quite reasonably priced. I did actually consider buying one for a short time.

It's been quite a quiet year on the gig front. I've managed a few. Half Man Half Biscuit at Leamington Assembly were fantastic. Finlay Quaye at The Rainbow was better than expected and British Sea Power at The Glee Club were excellent. I have also seen local band Hinge play a couple of gigs. Once at Academy 3 when I had a terrible headache and again at the Old Wharf where it was that loud that during the support bands I stood outside. Even from there I could here it perfectly. Little Girl Screaming, a band from Coventry I think, sounded very good.

Have had a couple of trips to the theatre this year. I have already mentioned Noises Off! on this blog. Clare and I also had a trip to Leamington Spa to see The Russian Ice Stars perform Snow White. It was a cold, snowy night in January which actually added to the whole evening.  The performance was amazing.  The way they throw themselves around such a small stage has to be seen to be appreciated.  A nice pub opposite the theatre provided a great place to sit and have a brandy to warm us up.

A very odd night at The Old Rep for The Enchanted Burlesque Show.  Not what I was expecting at all.  There were a couple of turns who I thought were very good but the girl who thought dressing up as Margaret Thatcher and stripping to Rule Britannia should have a re think!
I've seen a few films at the cinema. Banksy's Exit Through The Gift Shop and Chris Morris' Four Lions were my favourites but also enjoyed Alice in Wonderland 3D and Avatar 3D.  Iron Man 2 was entertaining but can't see it making any best of lists.

TV has mainly been The World Cup, Cricket, Big Brother and Pineapple Dance Studios.  I have no idea why I took to it but I didn't miss an episode. I also enjoyed Terry Pratchett's Going Postal.

Whilst on the subject of TV, I thoroughly enjoyed Election Night. Watching the TV coverage and having Twitter on the go along with texts from friends made the night a bit of an occasion.  The debates were also good although I became bored with hearing the same rhetoric by the third one. I voted for the first time in years and was glad I did  as my local MP scraped in by less than 200 votes. 

Books and Music.  As I've mentioned before I'm always behind with reading although I have just finished Start The Car, The World According To Bumble.  It is still in the best sellers list!   If you have an interest in cricket then it is definitely worth a read.  Then again, if you have an interest in cricket you would already know that.

Another good book I've read  (thanks to Clare) is Emergency Sex (and Other Desperate Measures): True Stories from a War Zone. Written by by Heidi Postlewait, Kenneth Cain and Doctor Andrew Thomson it is their accounts of their time with the UN during the early 90s. It is a few years old now but is a good read, track it down on Amazon.

LCD Soundsystem's new album is a good listen.  Brought to my attention by their performance on Jools Holland.   Also liking Art Museums. If School Of Seven Bells' new single, Babelonia, is anything to go by I can't wait for the new album.  Lanterns on the Lake have also been a good discovery.

Finally, I must admit that I haven't been very good with the football. I've only managed one trip away with Blues this year.  A trip to Nottingham Forest in the FA Cup.  It was a freezing cold day, rain, snow flurries and trecherous under foot.  Blues were terrible and could only manage a 0-0 draw.  Will have to make more of an effort in the coming season. The cricket is even worse.  Despite pledging to go to more games I'm yet to make it to Edgbaston this year. Must try harder!

So, that's it then.  Chuck in a few meals out and a few drinks with friends and family and that has been the year to date. Not bad eh?