Wednesday 19 May 2010

British Sea Power @ The Glee Club Birmingham

Had a good night at the Glee Club last night.  British Sea Power are always worth seeing live and last night was no exception. From the outset they were tight and on form. The crowd were a little subdued but I always find that the case at the Glee. To be honest, a polite crowd is a refreshing change. The set was strong and although I can't remember all the songs it ran something like this.

Apologies.., Remember Me, Atom, True Adventures, New song, Oh Larsen B , Please Stand Up, Down On The Ground, No Lucifer, Waving Flags, The Great Skua, Canvey Island, New song, Fear Of Drowning, Lights Out, A Trip Out, The Spirit Of St Louis

The new songs fitted into the set quite easily and seemed to go down well with the audience. The show ended with Spirit of St Louis and the extended end meant it lasted at least ten minutes. They left the stage and did not return. It was a great way to end the show rather than the obligatory encore.

If you get the chance to catch them live you should take it!