Saturday 8 October 2011

Lazy Weekend

It does you good every now and again to do nothing.  Today is one of those days.  It's been quite a busy week and so it's nice to have nothing to do.

Thursday night was spent at Jimmy Spice's with a group of friends.  As usual most of my food consisted of pizza, samosas and pakora washed down with gin.  A really enjoyable night.

Yesterday was hectic and having had an early start I was shattered come last night.

Yesterday afternoon was a quick dash over to the NEC for Grand Designs Exhibition .  It's the 3rd year I've been now and I spent most of my time walking round saying "these were here last year" and "that's where we bought.... last year".  Only stopping for a couple of hours before grabbing a free goody bag and dashing home, having something to eat, and getting ready for guests.

Last night was a Catchphrase evening.  A DVD game based on the TV show.  It's good fun but is slower than TV Quiz, naturally. 

It wasn't a late night (finished about 10.30) but as soon as everyone had gone I headed straight to bed.