Sunday 2 October 2011

Kingsbury Water Park

I can remember, many years ago, my school mates going to Kingsbury Water Park.  It opened in 1975 so would have still been a fairly new attraction.  I never did visit. 

Yesterday, with temperatures the warmest on record for October (around 27 degrees in Birmingham and 29.9  down in Kent!) we made our way over to Kingsbury.

It's a great place, 15 pools, some of them quite large.  Some you can fish and others are for sailing, powerboats and you can even jet ski!.  The far side, however, is left to the wildlife with 3 hides overlooking 2 lakes.

As we made our way over to the hides I spotted a Little Egret on one of the quiet pools. My first one!  We ended up with 3 Little Egrets at the end of the day.  We also had 2 Snipe a Kingfisher, 27 Cormorant and a whole host of ducks. 

Wandering the paths in the sunshine.  Exploring the lakes before coming across big stretches of grass I can understand why my school mates liked it so much.  There is even a miniature railway, although it wasn't running yesterday. 

I will definitely be going back again soon although I imagine the weather won't be quite as nice next time.