Monday 17 October 2011

Sunday Sunday

An early start on Sunday for a trip to Solihull Nature Reserve.  Arriving at sun up we managed to see the best part of 40 species of bird in just under 2 hours.  Not bad for what is in fact a park with a couple of fields attached. 

Redwing, Fieldfare, Brambling, and a couple of Green Woodpeckers were amongst the highlights but my favourite was the return of the Mute/Whooper hybrid swans on the lake.  I last saw them on January 10th!

Having arrived home the rest of the day was spent listening to music and watching Blues take on Leicester City (live on BBC 1).  A dismal first half and an action packed second.  A penalty to Blues (Marlon King putting it in the bottom corner giving Blues a 1-0 advantage), Not long after Leicester, were reduced to 10 men but still managed to put up a fight until a great move by Blues on the counter attack saw Chris Wood fire home Blues' second.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Pottering Around

Today has been a lovely autumn day.  A crisp start and clear skies and sunshine that is still quite warm as the day goes on. 

This morning brought the first of the Redwings. Five of them in the Yew tree in the garden.  Clare and I went over to Knowle to have a wander around the shops.  We walked the quarter mile down to the locks to see what was around.  A pair of Buzzards, a flock of Long Tailed Tits, a pair of Wrens as well as the usual Black Headed Gulls, Pigeons, Magpies and Crows.  Clare saw a Kingfisher which I missed.  I heard it but was too slow. 

Despite our leisurely day it has flown by!

Friday 14 October 2011

Corleone Cafe - Leamington Spa

Our trip to Wolverhampton to see The Specials had been part of Clare's birthday celebrations.  Having arrived back in Birmingham early on Thursday morning we decided to go to Leamington so Clare could spend some of her birthday money.

As the afternoon pressed on we decided we would need to eat and so went to the Corleone Cafe.  Clare had wanted to try this place but it is always really busy and being small it is hard to find a seat. On a Thursday afternoon, despite it still being busy, we managed to get a table upstairs.

Sitting in a booth next to an open window looking down onto the street it was lovely.  The rustic furniture, dog eared menus really do show off shabby chic at it's best.  The food is standard fayre.  Paninis, baguettes etc but it is served in a bowl with a mock newspaper advertising the cafe and showing stories of various gangsters.

The walls have pictures taken from The Godfather and Soprano's and some covers of Italian magazines.  Despite the cliches the place is really cosy.  The food was lovely and the atmosphere really nice.  I also liked the fact that my olives were served in a cup and saucer.  This place could be my new favourite place to eat in Leamington!

It was a nice day in all. Clare bought some new clothes and I picked up a couple of CDs.  We also got chatting to the owners of Doll's Domain toy shop next to Royal Priors Shopping Centre.  They were lovely and far more helpful than the staff in Avon Toys around the corner! Clare bought a jigsaw (from their huge collection) as well as a traditional bingo game for our next get together.

We spent more time shopping than anticipated but all in all a good day out and a nice way to round of a fantastic couple of days!

The Specials @ Wolverhampton Civic Hall

The room dimmed and the backdrop came alive with a video montage of historic events of the last 30 years. Margaret Thatcher appeared on the screen to a chorus of boos and jeers. The other Prime Ministers (Major, Blair, Brown & Cameron) faired little better. The images lasted for about 2 minutes before the band took to the stage and launched into Gangsters.  The crowd dancing and singing along from the off.  Do The Dog and (Dawning Of) A New Era followed in quick succession.

Terry Hall, chattier than usual, eventually addressed the crowd asking a member of the audience her name before dedicating It's Up To You to her.

The set comprised of both their albums but wasn't in strict running order, saving some of the songs for the encore.

After the initial excitement the crowd seemed a bit subdued and they took a while to warm up.  Although this didn't stop Clare dancing her way through the set. 

Standing next to me was a bloke in his 50s who stood stock still throughout the majority of the gig suddenly decided to launch his pint into the crowd.  He soaked a good majority of the people around him including Clare and myself.  Although I half expect this sort of the thing a lad in front of me took exception.  He marched up to the bloke and pushed him in the chest (despite being half his size).  It looked as if a fight was on the cards until someone pointed out they had their young daughter with them and the lad made his way back to his mates.  The big bloke next to me disappeared all together and it wasn't until we were making our way out at the end of the night that we saw him again, looking a bit sheepish.

This bloke, however, was completely outdone by the grotesque woman (in every sense) in front of us.  Downing pints of lager and hurling her plastic cups into the crowd, she seemed to think that Friday Night, Saturday Morning was an anthem. All traces of irony were lost on her.  She stood there waving her arms in the air (too big to dance) getting more and more drunk. When she sparked up a cigarette it wasn't long before security came over and had a word.  I had hoped they'd kick her out but unfortunately they let her off with a warning.

The band were storming through their set and it wasn't long before the encore. Ghost Town, Little Bitch and You're Wondering Now.  I had hoped they might have come back and treated us to a few others, Skinhead Moonstomp for example but it wasn't to be.

At the start of the show I'd bought a voucher for a CD of the night's performance.  It's amazing to think that you can watch a show and five minutes after the end a recording of it is available. As the lights came up we made our way to the foyer and queued up to get our copy.

It wasn't long before we were back at the hotel with a CD of the show, two commemorative pint glasses and a poster that Clare liberated during the last song!

The night itself had started well.  Having complained to the hotel following our last visit there (when we went to see Beady Eye back in April) we were promised an upgrade on this trip.  True to his word the manager had booked us into the bridal suite and having walked into the bedroom we wandered through to the living room to find a bottle of sparkling wine on chill and two glasses.

Once we had settled in and got changed we headed out for a bite to eat.  If we are in Wolverhampton we always head for City Bar.  With the exception of a couple of blokes we were the only people there.  It's not a grand place but is a step up from most of the other bars around the town centre so I was surprised at it's lack of after work clientele. 

Having had a veggie burger and chips, washed down with a couple of gins & tonic, it was a short walk over to The Civic for the gig.

The support came from The Stone Foundation. More Mod than Ska they seemed to go down OK with the crowd and had one or two decent numbers.  I wasn't really in the mood and preferred the reggae played through the sound system rather than something that sounded more akin to The Kinks. Were I to see them on their own I would probably enjoy them.

Sunday 9 October 2011


You will find me drinking rum,
Like a sailor in a slum,
You will find me drinking beer like a Bavarian.
You will find me drinking gin
In the lowest kind of inn,
Because I am a rigid Vegetarian

The Logical Vegetarian (1915) by Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Saturday 8 October 2011

Lazy Weekend

It does you good every now and again to do nothing.  Today is one of those days.  It's been quite a busy week and so it's nice to have nothing to do.

Thursday night was spent at Jimmy Spice's with a group of friends.  As usual most of my food consisted of pizza, samosas and pakora washed down with gin.  A really enjoyable night.

Yesterday was hectic and having had an early start I was shattered come last night.

Yesterday afternoon was a quick dash over to the NEC for Grand Designs Exhibition .  It's the 3rd year I've been now and I spent most of my time walking round saying "these were here last year" and "that's where we bought.... last year".  Only stopping for a couple of hours before grabbing a free goody bag and dashing home, having something to eat, and getting ready for guests.

Last night was a Catchphrase evening.  A DVD game based on the TV show.  It's good fun but is slower than TV Quiz, naturally. 

It wasn't a late night (finished about 10.30) but as soon as everyone had gone I headed straight to bed. 

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Emmy The Great - The Glee Club Birmingham

October 4th is a cool day, so says Emmy The Great.  She was referring to the changing of the seasons and not my birthday but that was why I was at The Glee Club on a Tuesday night, for my birthday.

It had been a nice evening.  Having a drink and a bite to eat at Poppy Red before heading up stairs to The Glee Club.

Having arrived pretty early we were treated to The Horrors' Skying album being played through the PA in it's entirety before the support act took to the stage.

Stealing Sheep hail from Liverpool (I think).  I'd not heard them before but as their set went on I really grew to like them.  Great harmonies and quirky little songs.  Follow the link to their website below and you can download a free song.

Emmy The Great took to the stage about 9.10.  Without saying a word she walked out picked up her guitar and played Eastern Maria before her band joined her onstage.   

I am not sure of the set list but songs included First Love, We Almost Had A Baby, 24, MIA, Cassandra, Iris, Dinosaur Sex, Easter Parade and Paper Forest.

I really enjoyed the set.  Having left the stage the encore consisted of 4 songs finishing on Canopies and Grapes.  These songs had been requested by the audience and although she played all 4 she did say that people could leave after 3 and only hang around for Canopies and Grapes if they really wanted to.  The band left the stage, the audience didn't.

Monday 3 October 2011

Honey - Free Download

It is still unseasonably warm although it has become somewhat cloudy.  The cloud rolled in towards the end of yesterday afternoon and even brought some rain with it last night.  The temperature however has remained in the 20s. 

Determined to make the most of the good weather I spent most of the afternoon over Solihull Nature Reserve.  Bird wise it was quiet but it was nice just to be out in the sunshine. 

The temperature is due to plummet this week but I'm determined to eek out every last ounce of summer.

One of my favourite songs of the last few months is a song called Summertone by a Scottish band called Honey.   The EP from which it is taken is available to download for free.  Follow the link below.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Kingsbury Water Park

I can remember, many years ago, my school mates going to Kingsbury Water Park.  It opened in 1975 so would have still been a fairly new attraction.  I never did visit. 

Yesterday, with temperatures the warmest on record for October (around 27 degrees in Birmingham and 29.9  down in Kent!) we made our way over to Kingsbury.

It's a great place, 15 pools, some of them quite large.  Some you can fish and others are for sailing, powerboats and you can even jet ski!.  The far side, however, is left to the wildlife with 3 hides overlooking 2 lakes.

As we made our way over to the hides I spotted a Little Egret on one of the quiet pools. My first one!  We ended up with 3 Little Egrets at the end of the day.  We also had 2 Snipe a Kingfisher, 27 Cormorant and a whole host of ducks. 

Wandering the paths in the sunshine.  Exploring the lakes before coming across big stretches of grass I can understand why my school mates liked it so much.  There is even a miniature railway, although it wasn't running yesterday. 

I will definitely be going back again soon although I imagine the weather won't be quite as nice next time.