Monday 18 July 2011

Wet Weekend

I'm still waiting for the summer.  The weekend plans to explore the great outdoors were ruined when I awoke on Saturday morning to a torrential downpour.  Believing it was in for the day I decided I wouldn't venture far and opted for a bit of shopping, followed by an afternoon of listening to music.

Popping into Solihull with Clare we popped to the bookies, library and browsed around the shops.  I picked up a couple of CDs at HMV.  The Phantom Band's The Wants (£3) and The Horrors' Primary Colours (£7).  I also bought their new album, Skying.

Since it's release last week it has been getting some decent reviews and so I was looking forward to getting home and having a listen.  I've played it a couple of times over the weekend and so far it hasn't disappointed.

When Primary Colours was released a couple of years ago they had completely reinvented themselves and two years later their new album has a new sound again.  This time they have gone for a more 80s synth soaked theme. On first listen I could definitely hear Simple Minds, circa 1981.   Despite their shift in style it seems there is a natural progression which for me at least works.

They are playing Birmingham in a few months time and I hope to be there. I hope their live performances are as good as their records.

Yesterday, was another quiet day, due to the weather.  Breakfast at Sainsbury's and then over to my parents' for a few hours.

All in all a quiet weekend.