Friday 22 July 2011

Space Shuttle

Yesterday saw the safe return of the Space Shuttle (Atlantis) having just made it's last flight.  After 30 years NASA have pulled the plug.  I've grown up with the Shuttle project and although I've not paid much attention in recent years it's sad to think it's no longer active.

Back in the 80s I saw it fly over Birmingham on the back of a Boeing 747.  I remember being in an English class. I knew it was due to happen and kept my eyes trained out of the window.  I was lucky as my school was fairly close to Birmingham Airport and I managed to get a view as it ascended from the runway and rose above the houses.

Surprisingly there is very little about it on the internet but after a bit of digging I've narrowed it down to June 1983.  Apparently the Shuttle was touring Europe on it's way back from the Paris Air Show.  The bits of information I've found would have me believe it was a lovely sunny day but I seem to remember my view being obscured by cloud.  Mind you it was nearly 30 years ago so my memory is a bit sketchy. I can't remember which one of the fleet it was now.  When I get a chance I'll do some more research.

Another quiet week.  I went for a meal with Clare and my parents on Tuesday. We went to Bella Italia in Touchwood as my parents really like it, having taken them there a couple of times now.  All in all a lovely night.