Monday 8 November 2010


I really liked this film.  I imagine it will have come in for some criticism but I have thought it was good fun. 

Bruce Willis is a retired C.I.A agent who is struggling with a normal suburban life.  The highlight of his day is when he speaks to Mary Louise Parker, a Customer Service Rep, over the phone.  She also struggles with her job and dreams of a life of excitement.

When Bruce survives an attempt on his life, he kidnaps her (as he believes her life is also in danger) and sets about trying to find out who has ordered his death.  Along the way he asks his old spy pals for help.  These include Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren and John Malkovic.

This gentle shoot 'em up, if you can have such a thing, matches the age of the cast.  It rolls along at a slow but steady pace and has a good mix of action and laughs.  A great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.