Sunday 14 November 2010


This morning Clare and I decided to head for Solihull Nature Reserve to go and see a few birds.  We aimed to get there for sunrise (7.28 am) and so left the house just before 7.00 am.  As we walked through the park with the mist rising and the day slowly dawning it looked lovely. 

The first thing we saw was a Grey Heron flying above us.  Solihull town centre (very quiet at 7.15 on a Sunday morning) had a selection of Gulls, Jackdaws and Carrion Crows.

Once at the nature reserve it wasn't long before we saw a Green Woodpecker.  We watched for ages as he hopped along the field.  After he had flown away we carried on round and soon we saw a Greater Spotted Woodpecker at the top of a tree. 

Having spent a couple of hours wandering round we headed back. As we neared the exit (watching a Heron sitting by a puddle) we saw a Kestrel sitting in a tree.  A nice way to end the visit.  In all we saw at least 28 varieties of bird. We also saw two birds flying over head that looked like birds of prey but we couldn't identify them. 

We got home at around 10.15 and had breakfast.