Sunday 10 October 2010

Apple Day

Today the weather smiled on us.  Blue skies, sunshine and mild temperatures.  There was only thing to do and that was to head to Blakesley Hall for Apple Day. 
Blakesley Hall, for those who don't know, is a timber framed Tudor house. Each year they hold an apple day where you can learn about apples (I didn't know but there are over 4000 varieties) and taste the juice from the fruit of their own orchard.  Hand pressed in front of you it tastes a lot nicer than the cartons on the supermarket shelves.

After watching the apples being pressed and tasting the result, it was time for honey.  The person selling it said he had no idea what it tasted like as each year was different. This is because it depended what plants his bees had been to to collect pollen.  Honey and a bees wax candle bought and it was time for a sit down and a coffee.
The Green Man Morris Dancers kept us entertained. I have a new found respect for them since watching A Life With Bells On.  We decided not to hang around for the apple tour and instead bought a selection of apples and pears. All were vintage varieties dating from around 1745. 

We left Blakesley Hall with apples, pears, honey and candles having spent a lovely afternoon in the sunshine and headed home.