Wednesday 3 August 2011

Tuesday Nights

The last couple of Tuesday nights have been pretty good. Last night I went along to HMV Institute to see The Jayhawks.  The week before and it was a night in Brueton Park for an outdoor production of Pinocchio.

Clare and I have been to the outdoor theatre for the last few years (last year's production of The Secret Garden  is on here somewhere) and thoroughly enjoy it.  Last week's performance wasn't my favourite but was still a good show.

Heartbreak Productions deserve a lot of credit.  With minimal props they still manage to draw you into the story and keep both the adults and kids entertained.  It was quite a cloudy day and as evening fell so did the temperature.  It's a shame it couldn't have been last night as it was one of those muggy summer evenings.

Saying that, if it had have been last night I wouldn't have been able to go along to see The Jayhawks.

If I'm completely honest I knew nothing of this band despite them being around since the 80s.  A friend asked me to go and I said yes. 

I'd not been to The Institute since it reopened under the HMV brand but despite my reservations about corporate venues the Library (formerly Barfly and before that Dance Factory) has had a decent makeover making it a nice little venue.  The sound wasn't too bad either but apparently that depended on where you were standing.

I arrived later than I would usually  and so missed Mark Olsen's support slot, arriving during the last song of the set.  By the time I'd got a drink and found a spot to stand he was back onstage with the rest of The Jayhawks. Despite not knowing any of their stuff I was bobbing along to their blend of alt. country and was impressed with the harmonies. They haven't rewritten the rule book and I've seen and heard many a band in the same vein but I thought their songs had great melodies.

I haven't been to a venue were they were packed in that tightly since I saw Nick Cave a few years ago.  It seems there have been quite a few waiting for this show and the audience received them really well.  The venue, size of the audience and weather all came together to make for one loud, hot and sweaty evening.  A good old fashioned gig, you can't beat it! 

I have no idea of the set list but the few songs I remember them introducing or have since discovered included Wichita, Two Hearts, Tampa To Tulsa and  Miss Williams' Guitar.  Hopefully, I'll find a full set list on the net but if not I'll be delving into their back catalogue over the coming days and if I recognise any of the songs I'll update my list.