Wednesday 10 August 2011


I can't believe it's a week since my last post.  A lot can happen in that time.  As I write the country is bracing itself for another night of rioting.  This will be the fourth night.  What started in Tottenham on Saturday (following the shooting of a local man by police) has spread throughout the country. 

As trouble flared around the capital on Monday, youths in my home town of Birmingham looted the shops in the City Centre. Despite the police presence last night more shops were looted.  Wolverhampton, West Bromwich, Bristol, Liverpool, Leeds and Gloucester have also had their share of trouble.  Last night it was the turn of Manchester.

It seems that the main motivation for the disorder is greed.  It seems that the kids have organised themselves with the intention of robbing on a grand scale. So far I think 4 people have died. Last night saw vigilantes on the streets. MPs have been recalled from their summer break and police have been given the go ahead to use water cannons and plastic bullets if they choose.

People are scared and angry.  England's football match against Holland has been cancelled over safety fears, the weekend fixtures are still uncertain. Shops and retail parks have been closing early.

The word "criminality" seems to be everywhere. MPs, police and reporters all talk of criminality.

I think that come the weekend it will have died down.  I was expecting a summer of trouble with all the government cuts but to be honest I didn't think it would be like this. People don't care about politics.  They just want the latest phone, trainers and designer clothes.