I think the weather put a lot of people off and so it was just seven of us who accompanied the guides around the reserve. After a heavy downpour about half way round the sun started to break through and by the time we finished the walk I had completely dried off.
In the end it was worth the effort as we managed to see over 40 different species of birds. These included Little Ringed Plover, Whitethroat, Reed Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Willow Tit, Oyster Catcher, Lapwing, Goldfinch, Bullfinch, Swallow, Swift and both House and Sand Martin. All in all a very good day.
Today was also a grey and wet start but again has brightened up considerably. Not that it makes a difference to me as I've not ventured out. Clare, however, has been off doing the BRMB Walkathon (having text not long ago to say she has completed it, in a decent time as well!). For those who don't know the Walkathon is a 26 mile sponsored walk around Birmingham. It follows the 11 bus route which is the longest route in Europe. She'll be shattered when she gets in and it means I'll have to cook dinner but I don't mind as she's done really well.
Whilst she's been off walking the streets I've spent the day listening to music and going through CDs, keeping one eye on the football. It's been a good day as I don't often get the chance to do it these days.
One final thing. The British public voted against electoral reform so we keep the current system and the Liberal Democrats suffered heavy losses as expcted. Nick Clegg really messed things up when he started going back on his word. During last year's election I think the public thought that he might be different from the other politicians, that was his strong point and what got him the vote. Now they realise he is just like all the others if not worse, he sold out and now he is paying the price.